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Houston, Texas: Enhancing Electrical Efficiency with Circuit Panel Upgrades and Repairs
With our extensive experience and expertise, we can assess your current electrical setup, recommend the most suitable upgrades, and execute the installation with precision and care. Upgrading your circuit panel not only enhances the safety and efficiency of your electrical system but also ensures it can meet the demands of modern appliances and electronics. Trust Pro Max Electrical to deliver prompt, professional service and provide you with a seamlessly upgraded circuit panel tailored to your specific requirements.
residential electrical Upgrade
Breaker Panel Repair
Sub Panel Installation
What is the life expectancy of a Breaker Panel?
The standard timeframe for panels is between 20-25 years. However, differnet factors such as useage, maintenance, and evolving demands of modern technology can decrease the life expectancy of panels.
What is the problem with FPE Panels?
Federal Pacific Electric company (FPE), these breakers are now considered a safety hazard by modern standards. FPE panels are seen in homes builted between 1950 and 1990.
How do i know if my house is grounded?
If there are three-prong outlets then you can make the first guess that your system is grounded and then proceed to test it. The three-prong outlet signifies that there is a third wire in your house wiring system, normally connected to the ground terminal buried in the earth.
What Year did house required groudning systems?
Since 1971, homes that are build require grounding systems.
What happens if a house isn't grounded?
A house that is not grounded or is grounded improperly runs the risk of several potentially dangerous problems. The most harmful situation that can arise is residential fire.
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